Friday, May 15, 2020

The Condom Distribution Debate Essay - 2018 Words

The Condom Distribution Debate The topic of condom distribution in public schools has caused many heated debates throughout our country in the last decade. Proponents of distribution state that free condom distribution will ensure that teenagers will practice safe sex and that the rate of sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy will decline. Opponents of distribution state that free condom distribution will encourage sexual activity and foster the idea that premarital sex is acceptable. Judges in federal court have even considered whether or not condom distribution and sex education without prior parental notification violates parents First and Fourteenth Amendment rights. The only viewpoint absent in a discussion of this†¦show more content†¦No doubt a large majority of American teenagers are sexually active, but I believe the assumption that all teenagers are, or desire to be, sexually active is fallacious. I think that in making this assumption, we have oversimplified the solution to the problem. I am confident that if we took the time to ask why so many teenagers are sexually active today, we would discover the solution is not a simple one. Maybe we have not asked in fear of discovering that a satisfactory solution requires more thought and energy than deciding whether or not to keep a basket of condoms in the nurses room. John Leo, a columnist for U.S. News and World Report, reveals hidden solutions to preventing the problems caused by teenage sex. These solutions have remained hidden because they involve directly communicating with American teenagers. Leos article specifically discusses the opinions of young women about sexual intercourse, motherhood, and self-esteem issues. The title of Leos article, Learning to Say No, immediately informs the reader that contrary to most of societys beliefs, teenagers often struggle with their decision to have sexual intercourse. The title implies that saying no to sexual intercourse is not as simple as some depict it to be; rather, the ability to refuse needs to be taught as an important component of any sexual education program.Show MoreRelatedDistribution of Condoms in Schools872 Words   |  4 PagesThe topic of distributing condoms in high schools had caused a great deal of debate over the last decade. Those that favor condom distribution say that distributing them will ensure teenagers practice safe sex, and the rate of teenage pregnancy will decline dramatically. Those that are against distributing condoms, say that giving them out will encourage early sexual activity and promote the idea that premarital sex is okay. What about letting parents help kids make decisionsRead MoreProviding Teenagers Contraceptives in High Schools is the Next Step1102 Words   |  5 Pagesthey were defined as obscene. As late as 1964 contraception was illegal in some states (2). 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